Even After Death - Chapter 1044

Chapter 1044


Chapter 1044

Even Olivia, who didn’t have lustful tendencies, was charmed by him. Her eyes grew hot.

Ethan set down the bundles of wood. Because they were wet, they

wouldn’t be able to burn for the moment. So, Ethan had prepared to dry them with a large fire beforehand.

Then, he and Olivia wouldn’t have to be cold at night.

He always had an attention to detail

When he pampered Olivia, it felt like she was truly in heaven. And

when he hurt her, it felt like real hell.

If someone had him as a friend, they would be in bliss. But if he was

their enemy, they would suffer terribly.

“You’re drenched,” Olivia reminded him.

“It’s fine. I’m a man, so it’s alright.” With that, he took the dried white T-

shirt on the rack. He carelessly wiped his head and body with it.

Olivia stared at his pants. “Um… I think you should change.”

“Alright then.”

As Ethan dug through his backpack, he suddenly heard Olivia’s stomach growl.

“Didn’t you have breakfast?”

Before he set out, he had filled his stomach and replenished his


Olivia came over in a hurry, so she truly was starving.

Chapter 1044

Ethan took out à pile of food, tossing them on the sleeping bag. “Eat.”

Olivia felt a little thirsty, but she was too shy to ask him to get her some water. She crawled out of the sleeping bag and searched the backpack herself.

Ethan was taking off his belt. When he turned around and saw Olivia sprawled on the floor to get water, her long and slender legs caught

his attention.

His shirt only covered the upper part of her thighs.

Chapter 1045

The shape of Olivia’s legs was quite peculiar for normal humans. It looked more fictional than real.

Also, because she often soaked in the medicinal spring, even her

soles were fair like porcelain. They had a slightly pink tint to them, and they looked quite supple.

Her posture had completely showcased her best parts, and she looked extremely alluring.

Ethan gulped, recalling what they did in the cornfield last night.

It was the most primitive of circumstances and also the most


“Liv …”

Ethan’s mouth was dry.

When Olivia turned around, she saw the gaze in his eyes. He looked

like a predator eyeing its prey.

They were the parents of four children already, but after being together and apart for years, Olivia still hadn’t opened up to him.

Sometimes, after she subconsciously hid her body, she wondered a

little too late if she had been too coy.

But many things had already become a habit of hers, so she wasn’t

conscious of them at all.

Just like now. Her first reaction was to give up on the water and

